Describe your character in one sentence?
Morris is shy but he wants to be famous. Same thing with me.
What was your first acting experience?
In the sixth grade, I did A Raisin in the Sun. I played Walter. At first I auditioned for Travis, Walter’s son, but they thought I was too good and wanted me to play Walter. I was forced to do it.
What have you heard about the Sundance experience?
I hear if people like your movie, then sometimes it can go to the actual theaters. That is just a dream of mine. I don’t know if that is going to happen. I have been told to expect big things. But to be sure, I have no expectations. I am not the bragging or boasting type. The thing I am most excited about is seeing snow.
Describe the Sundance selfie of your dreams.
I have never seen snow before and it looks so fun. When I get there, I might just drop to the ground and make a snow angel or pick up a snowball. I want to take a photo from the top of the mountain. If you search for “Park City” on Google, it looks so nice in the picture.
What do you think of Robert Redford?
Was he in Captain America: The Winter Soldier?